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The Stand Off Page 28

  “Um,” she arched her back and reached down to hold his hand, making sure he didn’t stop. “Sounds like an enjoyable evening, but I think that we should skip dinner.”

  “No, you need to eat; you’ll need that energy later. You’re going to be working muscles you didn’t even know existed tonight.”

  She pouted when he slid his finger out of her. He quickly kissed her lips before he put his arm under her ass and stood up. She held him tightly and laid her head on his shoulder as he carried her upstairs to the bedroom. Once he was inside, he put her on her feet.

  “Get dressed, I’ll be back soon,” he said as he kissed her forehead. He pulled back and looked at her with a grin, “I trust that you will not try to escape again.”

  “There’s no reason for me to run now… you believe me.”

  “I do,” he said before he kissed her lips again.


  “Now get dressed,” he said before he turned and left the room.

  She smiled as she watched him leave. She had a feeling he was leaving her alone as a sign of trust. She ran straight to the closet and began to look through the clothes he’d gotten her. She knew that he would expect her to be fully covered but the new, sheer-black button up shirt was calling her name. She didn’t want to leave the house and she had a feeling this shirt might help her change his mind. She grabbed the shirt and her tight, black mini skirt before heading over to the mirror. She stripped off her ripped panties and slid the transparent shirt over her bare breasts. The way the silky fabric rubbed against her nipples reminded her of Dean’s touch. She felt bold and brazen as she looked at her reflection.

  “Damn,” she sighed as she threw on her tiny black panties. She put on her skirt in record time and rushed back downstairs to Dean. She stopped at the door and took a deep breath, not wanting to appear so damn desperate. She opened the door and slowly walked in, closing it behind her.

  His eyes were locked on her breasts from the moment she walked in. She felt an intense rush of pride as she watched him lose his composure. He rolled back in his chair and sat on the edge of his seat as he watched her stride towards him. She stood at the opposite side of his desk with her chin raised and a stubborn set to her jaw.

  “I don’t want to go out for dinner.” She pouted as she stood before his desk.

  “Come here,” he demanded, but she stood perfectly still.

  “I want to stay here tonight,” she told him, not budging.

  “Come here,” he demanded in a tone that left no room for objection. It was a tone powerful enough to make her vagina tingle. She hesitated for a moment before she finally walked around the desk towards him.

  When she was close enough, he grabbed her arm and pulled her over to sit on his lap. He caressed her breasts before grabbing one tightly. He bent his head and took her nipple into his mouth.

  “Let’s stay here. I’ll cook for you and then we can eat naked on the back porch.” She said as she ran her fingers through his hair.

  He bit the tip of her breast before he pulled back to look at her, “Whatever you want.”

  “I just want to be alone with you,” she whispered before she kissed his forehead.

  “And you will,” he said as he turned her to sit with her back against his chest. He slid his hands up her shirt to caress her bare breasts. He tickled the tips with his fingers before he began to tug at them.

  “Arms up,” he said as he pulled her shirt off and tossed it to the floor. He reached around her to cup her breasts and kiss the side of her neck.

  “Put your hands behind your neck,” he whispered in her ear and she immediately obeyed “Don’t move.”

  He ran his fingertips up her belly and over her breasts, stopping right below her nipples. He circled the tips and came close but did not touch them. He almost grinned as he heard her sigh of disappointment. She threw her head back against him and pushed her chest forward, wanting more. He quickly obliged and her body shivered in response when he finally slid his fingers across her painfully erect nipples.

  “Stay still,” he whispered as he reached into his top desk drawer and grabbed a wooden ruler.

  “What is that for?” She gasped and threw her arms across her breasts.

  “Trust me," he said as he pulled her arms back down. “Keep your hands behind your back.”

  She stared at the ruler for a moment before she put her arms behind her back. She felt the butterflies in her stomach spinning out of control as he pulled her back to his chest. He slid the ruler up her belly and trailed it across her breast only stopping when it covered her nipple. He pushed against it, forcing the nub to push into her breast.

  He pulled the ruler back and lightly tapped the underside of her breast. He pushed his erection against her butt as he watched the globe bob up and down. He shoved his free hand into her panties and instantly went to work on her clit as he smacked the underside of her breast again. She was squirming against his lap as he increased the speed on her pussy and her breasts. He whacked the same boob twice as he paid close attention to her clit.

  “Damn I love the way that you squirm,” he said as he hit the undersides of both of her breasts, forcing them to bounce up. He kissed her shoulder and pulled his hand out of her panties.

  “Stand up,” he demanded and she looked back at him curiously for a moment before she complied. After she stood, he rolled back in his chair as he turned her to face his desk. “Bend over.”

  She looked back at him and hesitated for a moment.

  “Now!” he barked as he swatted her ass, and she promptly bent over. “Spread your legs. Wider… I want you straddling my chair and I want that pussy spread tight.”

  After she bestrode his legs, he grabbed her ass and spread it before sliding his thumb down the crease of her sex.

  “Put your palms on the desk and don’t move.” He began circling her clit with his thumb as he tapped her ass with the ruler. His cock pulsed painfully as he watched her body began to react to each smack he delivered. Her movements were sensual, and they provoked his inner beast. He could no longer wait to be inside of her. He yanked open his pants and stood up behind her. He ripped her panties off her body and tossed them to the floor. He grabbed her ass and spread he cheeks before he slammed his thick cock inside of her. Lux cried out and slumped down to her shoulders. He rolled his hips as he pushed his cock in to the hilt.

  “You feel so fucking good,” he growled and bucked her body forward as he began to pump into her. She clutched at the desk, her nails scraping across the wood as he drilled her from behind. He circled her anus with his thumb and she tried to wiggle away from the strange feeling. When he inserted the very tip of his thumb she squawked and tried to pull away from him. He bent over her to kiss her neck and then whisper in her ear, “Relax or it will be uncomfortable.”

  “It is uncomfortable,” she cried as she tried to pull away again.

  “Not if you relax.” He reached around her with his other hand and began to caress her clit.

  Between his cock and his fingers, it felt like her body would explode. She wanted to object at his thumb invading her ass, but she could not deny the added pleasure that it brought. She could feel it building; the pressure from the multiple points of stimulation was making her pussy heat up and her clit swell. She felt it barreling through her inner walls and cried out as it exploded through her pulsing vagina. She screamed as she climaxed and then laid her head against his desk as her body went limp.

  He could feel her tightening around his cock and could no longer hold back. He held her hips tightly as he shot his seed deep inside of her. He growled as he finished and then leaned down on his forearms. He pulled her hair back from her face and kissed her cheek as he grudgingly pulled his penis from her. He sat down in his chair and pulled her back to sit on his lap.

  “Let’s stay here a few more days,” she suggested as she leaned her head against his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “That’s a good idea,” he agr
eed before he kissed her.


  “I just need to grab something real quick,” Dean said as he led her into the closed off office.

  “Okay,” Lux answered, noticing how uncomfortable he’d gotten since they walked in the room.

  Dean rushed over to the closet off to the side of the desk and unlocked the door. He went inside and unlocked his grandfather’s safe. After he found what he was looking for he slipped the smaller case into his pocket before he went back out to Lux.

  “Alright, I got it; now let’s get the hell out of here.”

  “Who is that?” Lux asked as she pointed to the large portrait above the fire place.

  Dean narrowed his eyes as he looked at the portrait. He stood silently for a moment before he finally answered, “My mother.”

  “She was beautiful.”

  “She was.”

  “What happened to her?” Lux dared to ask.

  His eyes shifted, and Lux could see the pain he tried to hide. “It depends on who you ask. One lawyer said that it was car accident while another lawyer claimed it was a homicide that was set up to look like an accident.”

  “What do you think?”

  “I never really knew. I sat in that courtroom for three years while they tried to charge my father with murder. I listened to three years’ worth of arguments over circumstantial evidence and I still don’t know the truth. At one point, they even accused my brother Vaughn.”

  “Why your brother?”

  “Because he hated her and refused to deny it. But I know my brother, and I know he is not capable of murder.”

  “What about your father?”

  Dean shrugged his wide shoulders. “That portrait used to hang above the fireplace in our living room. After she died, my father would get drunk and spend hours cursing at that picture. I was relieved when he finally sent it away; it was a nasty reminder.”

  “Like my scar?” she asked and he turned to her.

  “I love your scar; that mark and what it represents have made you who you are. I wouldn’t change a thing about you.” He opened the larger jewelry case he’d grabbed from his grandfather’s safe and showed it to her.

  “Oh that’s beautiful,” she said in awe as she looked at the thick diamond necklace and matching bracelet set.

  “It’s yours,” he said as he took the necklace out of the box.

  “Dean,” she started, but he quickly cut her off.

  “I won’t take no for answer. This belonged to my grandmother, and I want you to have it.” He walked behind her and she lifted her hair out of the way before he clasped the necklace around her neck. He then grabbed the bracelet and fastened it around her wrist.

  She rushed over to the large mirror on the wall and gasped, “They’re beautiful.”

  “Not as beautiful as you.” he smiled. He had the matching ring in his pocket but he wanted to wait for the perfect moment. Standing in the room with his mother’s portrait while he reminisced about her death was not the perfect moment.

  Home Sweet Home

  After an unusual, enlightening, frustrating, sexy, and amazing time at the cabin, it was time for Lux and Dean to return to the real world. Despite the rough way their trip began, Dean had really enjoyed his time with Lux and he was not prepared for it to fully end. He took his time driving back to the city, even taking small breaks for kissing and eating. They were enjoying the day but mostly they were enjoying each other’s company.

  “We should have stayed just one more day,” Lux said with a pout as they got close to The Music Hall.

  “We can go back whenever we want,” Dean reminded her as he slid his hand up her thigh.

  “We should go back soon… very soon.”

  “We will.”

  “Now we face the family. Pixie said that Kiki made a huge meal for us and a cake.”

  “But no party?” Dean asked; he was not in the mood for a party. All he wanted to do was take Lux to his bedroom and shut out the world for a few more days. He’d been able to pry himself away from the cabin, but there was no way in hell he could pry himself away from Lux for too long. Dean parked in front of the music hall and frowned, suddenly wishing they had stayed at the cabin for one more day.

  “No party; just dinner,” she said as she put her hand on his cheek and leaned in for a kiss.

  He kissed her for a moment before he pulled back to look at her, “We’re not staying long. I’m dying to get you home.”

  “Me too,” she smiled and tried to kiss him again, but this time he pulled back.

  “If you want to keep this dinner date, I suggest you stop kissing me,” he warned her.

  She smiled and pulled away from him. “Let’s go eat.”

  “I’d rather eat you,” he said with a grin before he got out of the car. He walked over to the passenger’s door and helped her out. They walked over to the building and saw the note hanging on her front door. Dean pulled it off and read it.

  “Door is broken; use lounge entrance,” he repeated what the note said.

  “I wonder what happened,” Lux said although she had a sinking feeling she knew what was going on. Dean would not be happy.

  They walked over to the lounge, oblivious to the black car parked down the street. Although they did not see the man in black hiding in the dark vehicle; he saw them. Michael Bender had been watching them since they pulled up; he’d been waiting for them for days.

  Lux breathed a momentary sigh of relief when she saw that the lounge was not only dark inside but very quiet.

  “Maybe they actually listened to me this time,” Lux thought with a smile as she opened the door.

  The two of them had just stepped inside when the lights came on and everyone jumped out to yell “Welcome home!”

  “I thought you said just dinner?” Dean mumbled out of the side of his mouth.

  “Like I have any control over these people,” she retorted as she scanned the crowd before them. It was all of their friends and the people who had supported them throughout the whole music hall fiasco.

  “Welcome home!” her mother, Pixie, Kiki, Graves, and Lolo ran over to them.

  “We missed you!” Pax said as she hugged her daughter.

  “We missed you too, Wrecker,” Pixie grinned and hugged Dean.

  “We cooked a feast for you two,” Kiki said as she gave Lux a hug, she then turned and hugged Dean.

  “And we still have champagne left over,” Pixie added as she held up the bottle and opened it. When the top flew across the room, everyone cheered.

  “And a gallon of strawberry vodka,” Lolo said as Pixie filled the cups that she held.

  “And death-by-chocolate, fudge cake!” Graves sang as she started passing out cups of champagne.

  Pixie skipped the cup and opted to open another bottle for herself. Once she opened it, she raised it in the air and began, “A toast to Lux and Wrecker!”

  “And to true love,” Lolo said as she raised her glass.

  “And to defrosting the frigidly frozen Princess,” Pixie smiled widely, and Lux shook her head.

  “And to turning the Royal Tyrant into Prince Charming,” Kiki added as she raised her cup.

  “More like the Royal Wrecker.” Pixie chuckled as she raised her bottle towards Dean and Lux. She then took a deep breath and finished, “To you both; may you have many sex filled nights without being further harassed by the camera wielding, bogus picture creating, detective posing, psycho stalker with a fake name.”

  “Here, here!” they cheered in unison before they tapped glasses and took a drink.

  “That’s in the records for the worst toast ever,” Kiki told Pixie although she was smirking.

  “Worst then Lux’s 18th birthday speech?” Pixie asked with wide eyes.

  “You mean the prickly prude speech when you compared my heart to the Tin Man’s? No, not as bad as that one,” Lux laughed as she grabbed Dean’s hand.

  “Definitely not as bad as that one. Although I was shockingly impressed with her
veins to robot wires comparison,” Kiki agreed.

  “Let’s get this party started,” Pixie yelled to the crowd before she finished off the last of the champagne. She slammed the bottle down on the table and burped loudly as she wiped her mouth. “I need another drink.”

  “I say we do shots of that strawberry vodka,” Lolo suggested.

  “Great idea. Do you two want to do shots?” Pixie asked Lux and Dean.

  “Not tonight,” Lux shook her head.