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The Stand Off Page 27
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Page 27
“She claims that’s not true. She admitted that she was obsessed with you for a short time, but she told us that was not why she left Bender. She said he was possessive, psychotic, and physically abusive. She claims that she’d made the decision to leave him before she even met you,” Vaughn stated.
“Maybe she’s telling the truth,” Johann suggested.
“Did she mention Lux?” Dean asked.
“No, I asked her if she’d seen or heard of anyone else. She said there was no one else as far as she knew. She said that she didn’t even know who Bender associated with anymore,” Vaughn spoke.
“Vaughn,” Dean said.
“You owe me an apology.”
“I do… I’m sorry,” Vaughn apologized with sincerity.
“Vaughn, one last thing, your ex left you because you’re a cocky prick. If you want her back, stop being a fucking prick!” Dean yelled at his brother before he hung up the phone.
Lux kept her body pressed tightly against the house as she looked around for a way to escape the island.
“This would be so much easier if I wasn’t on a secluded island,” she thought.
Out of the corner of her left eye, she saw the dock and quickly headed towards it. There were a few different boats, but she decided to take the less intimidating one. She’d never driven a boat before, but she figured it couldn’t be too hard. She jumped down into the boat and examined the motor for a moment. After she managed to start it up, she began to head towards the mainland. She had a few issues keeping the boat straight and problems with the speed, but she fared. Once she crossed to the other side, she parked the boat but did not get out. She wanted to try talking to him before she took drastic measure, like abducting Clifton.
Dean had just put his phone back in his pocket when he heard a boat engine start. He rushed through the house and headed straight towards the front door. He shoved the door open and walked out of the cabin just in time to see Lux speeding towards the mainland. He grabbed is ringing phone from his pocket and answered it as he headed towards the dock.
“You’re in so much trouble, baby,” he vowed as he walked down the dock to his boat.
“This is the only way that I can talk to you, and you will actually listen to me,” she said with desperation in her voice.
“I’m coming to get you,” he said as he stepped onto his boat.
“Okay, I’ll wait right here for you but first I want to talk. If you make one false move before I finish, then I will run. Don’t forget I have a head start.”
“It doesn’t matter, I will catch you.”
“Wouldn’t it be easier and quicker to just listen to what I have to say?” she reasoned.
“Talk,” he replied.
“Dean, I swear that I didn’t know Clifton’s real name. Pixie met him on a fluke and set up the meeting. He showed me the photos of you and the governor’s wife, and I hired him on the spot. I promise you that I had nothing to do with those pictures of your brother’s fiancée. I know it looks bad, but you have to believe me, I was not involved,” she tried to explain.
“It does look bad; I found them in your dresser,” Dean retorted as he drove closer to her.
“That’s close enough,” she said as Dean got a little too close to her comfort zone.
“Okay,” he said although he continued to drive until his boat was inches from her boat.
“If you come any closer I will run,” she threatened as she stepped out of the boat.
“I’m turning it off.” His boat stopped moving, but he left it running.
“Why don’t you back that boat up a little while you’re at it?”
“You’re too close.”
“I’m not going to try anything, yet.”
“If you do, I swear I will run,” she warned him.
“And I will catch you in under a minute,” he warned her as he turned off the boat and walked to the side to see her more clearly.
“That’s what you think,” she grinned.
“What the fuck are you wearing?” he barked as he looked down at her and hung up the phone. They were close enough to hear each other.
“Your T-shirt.”
“Is that it?”
“Panties,” she shrugged.
“Come on, I’ll listen to everything you have to say, but I want you on this boat.”
“No,” She took a step away from her boat.
“Don’t you take another fucking step!” he yelled as he stood perfectly still.
“I won’t move if you don’t.”
“You’re wearing a white t-shirt with no bra while driving a boat in the water. Your shirt is wet, and I can see your fucking nipples. Anyone out here could see you. I want you on this boat now!” he roared.
“No one is even out here,” she crossed her arms over her chest.
“You’re lucky that no one is, or I swear I would whip your ass raw!” he threatened.
“Hey I was topless when you left me in that bathroom, be thankful I took the time to grab a shirt,” she said somewhat sarcastically.
“I would have beaten you on the spot. I’m tempted to drag you on this boat and beat you now.”
“The sooner we clear the air, the sooner I’ll be on your boat,” she reminded him.
“Then I suggest you get back on your boat and finish talking before this turns into a racing match.”
She watched him carefully as she stepped back on the small boat. She sat down on the bench and faced him.
“Okay, let’s talk,” she began, but he quickly interrupted her.
“How long have you known him… Clifton?” he demanded.
“I met him after I met you.”
“He told me that you’ve known each other for a long time.”
“No, I met him after our first meeting about the building. When I realized that you would not give up without a fight, I hired a detective. Like I said, Pixie found him.”
“He said that you’ve known about his plan from the beginning. He said that you were the one who intended to sell those pictures to the highest bidder.”
“He really said that?”
“He did,” Dean nodded his head.
“I can’t believe he actually lied like that.”
“Believe it.”
“And you actually believe him over me?”
“He was the only one talking, and everything he said proved true. He told me that the two of you were working together,” he began before she cut him off.
“That’s not true! He worked for me, we did not work together! Ask my sister!” she corrected him.
“He told me that I would find the pictures in your dresser drawer, and I did.”
“How in the hell did he even know they were there?” she asked herself aloud.
“He told me that you were the one who sold those pictures.”
“I would never sell those pictures!” she yelled in anger.
“You told me to my face that you were going to release the pictures of me and the governor’s wife.”
“I didn’t even want to stoop low enough to use those pictures as leverage, but I was so scared I was going to lose the music hall. I didn’t know what else to do. I’m sorry, Dean, I really am.”
“Why should I believe you?” he asked, although he was beginning to.
“Because it’s the truth. I wouldn’t lie to you. I couldn’t do that to you; not then and especially not now.”
“What’s changed?”
“Now… if I had to pick between you and the music hall, I would pick you. I would still fight you for what was mine, but I would fight for you the hardest.”
“If what you say is true, then why did you have those pictures hidden in your room?”
“I took them from Clifton; he had dozens of different pictures. A few of them were obviously fake but most of them looked realistic. He told me he got them from some black listed reporter. I was mad and told him that I didn’t want my name o
r the music hall associated with that. I told him that very lie could be the thing that destroyed my chances of getting the music hall back.”
“It would have. If I’d found out about those pictures earlier, I would have never given that building to you.”
“I know. I never wanted anyone to find out about those pictures. I didn’t even want those pictures to see the light of day. Clifton agreed; he swore up and down that he would destroy all of the photos he had so they wouldn’t end up in the wrong hands. He also promised to expose the bad reporter, but I didn’t fully believe him. That’s why I took every single picture he had. Well I thought I’d taken them all but he obviously had some hidden.”
“I’m sure he had the original print.” He went to the edge of the boat and climbed down the ladder. This time she didn’t attempt to run, instead she waited for him.
When he stood before her, she looked up at him with a frown on her face, “Do you believe me now?”
“Get on the boat,” he said as he grabbed her hand.
“Not until you tell me that you believe me!” she refused to budge.
“I believe you; now go on,” he insisted. He helped her onto the boat first and the minute both of his feet were on deck, he grabbed her wrists and tied them in front of her.
“What are you doing?” she objected before he put a scarf over her mouth. He sat her on the seat beside the wheel and rushed back to the cabin.
Once he docked the boat, he threw her over his shoulder, and carried her into his office. He cleared his desk with the sweep of his arm and sat her on top of it. He untied the scarf from her mouth and sat down in his chair to face her.
“You said that you believed me!” she cried, obviously hurt.
“I do.”
“Then why did you tie me back up?”
“Because now I want you to listen to me. Clifton Branch’s real name is Michael Bender.”
“How do you know him?”
“Bender has been selling stories about me to the press for years. He gave them anything he could get his hands on. He’s harassed people I know for inside stories and has even fabricated a few of his own tall tales over the years. I’d heard he’d been trying to dig something up on me and my brother’s ex-fiancée since they broke up but I never guessed he’d go this far.”
“I don’t understand; why would he do that to you?”
“Because I fucked his fiancée,” Dean said bluntly.
“You just can’t keep it in your pants can you,” she scoffed as she shook her head.
“It was a long time ago. I met her at the club; she offered, and I accepted. It was a one night stand that turned into years’ worth of slander. She broke it off with Bender and told him that she believed that the two of us had something special; unbeknownst to me. I was upfront with her; I told her I didn’t do relationships. I thought she understood; I believed that night would be the first and last time I saw her. I’d never even thought about her again, until I met Michael Bender.”
“This is crazy. I had no idea he was such a psychopathic liar. I really should have researched him a little before I hired him. His website looked legit,” she shrugged.
“Anyone with a credit card can make a business website.”
“I know; I was just so thankful to have his help in regards to the music hall. I took him at face value and never questioned his motives,” Lux admitted with a heavy heart. She shook her head wondering how she could have been so blind. She was suddenly overwhelmed with rage for Clifton and deep seeded remorse for Dean. “I’m so sorry.”
“I know,” he said as he untied her wrists.
“I should have been upfront and told you about those pictures. I should have just told you his name.”
“I understand why you didn’t,” he admitted, and she looked at him in surprise.
“You do?”
“I do.”
“So you really do believe me?” she asked with a look of hope.
“You’d be tied to my bed if I didn’t.” He kissed her hands before he let them go.
“So no more restraints?”
“Not unless you want them.”
She hesitated for a moment, biting her lip before she finally whispered, “I do.”
Dean smiled wolfishly as he slid his fingers up her calve, “There is still the little matter of you running away.”
Her smile faltered for a moment, “I thought that you would understand why I did that.”
“I do, but that doesn’t change the fact that you went against my orders and put yourself at risk.”
“I figured you’d be pissed because I stole your boat.”
“I could care less about that boat; you can have it. What I do care about is you and your impulsive behavior. You climbed out of a second story window and down the ladder. You could have been seriously hurt; you’re too reckless.”
“I escaped from a second floor bathroom with just a tiny scratch; I’m not reckless, I’m resourceful.”
“You scratched yourself?” he balked as he sat up in his chair.
“Yes, but it’s just a little one though.”
“Let me see,” he demanded, and she immediately pulled the damp t-shirt up to show him the underside of her breast.
“Oh I’m going to beat you for that,” he said in a low whispery tone as he raised the shirt above her breasts to inspect her chest. “There’s another one!”
“I didn’t even notice that one,” she said as she looked down at the tiniest of scratches.
He pulled off her damp shirt and tossed it to the floor. He kissed the tiny scratch and then kissed her nipple before he kissed her lips. “You have to be more careful with yourself.”
“I am careful… I didn’t fall,” she grinned.
“The thought of you falling is probably the only thing that’s scared me since I was a kid.” He opened the bottom desk drawer and pulled out a bottle of liquor. “Pull your hair back,” he instructed as he opened the bottle.
“It’s going to burn,” she winced as he held the bottle above her breast.
“That’s what you get for putting yourself in harm’s way. You could have fallen,” he finished before he poured some liquor down the side of her breast.
“Ouch,” she yelped.
“Maybe next time you’ll think twice before you shimmy down a ladder. You could have done some damage to your breast. You’re lucky you didn’t cut your nipple,” he said as he slid his finger across her soft nipple. He bent his head and kissed the tip as it hardened.
“Maybe you should stop tying me up, and I wouldn’t be forced to hurt myself trying to escape.” She grinned wickedly as she slowly began to slide off the desk. He grabbed her hips and guided her to straddle his lap. She slid her legs below the arms of the chair and leaned back against his desk.
“Do you want me to stop tying you up?” he asked as he slid his hands to her ass.
“Why would I want that?” she asked him as if he were daft.
“Good because I’m tying you to the bed tonight and I’m fucking you from behind. It would be a little uncomfortable for you if you didn’t enjoy it as much as I’m going to.” He squeezed her ass as he kissed her lips.
She pulled back to whisper against his lips, “Trust me, I’ll enjoy it.”
He grunted at her words before he attacked her mouth vigorously. He ground his erection into her spread sex as he pushed down on her ass. He let go of her ass to grab the front of her panties and ripped the material open to slide his fingers across her bared pussy. She thrust her hips forward when he ran his finger across her clit. He swept his fingertips across her taut nether lips and down the inside of her thigh. He grabbed her leg and pulled it over the arm of the chair, spreading her sex wide. He slid the tip of his middle finger inside of her as he grabbed her breast with his free hand. He pinched her nipple as he slowly slid his finger in and out of her. He broke their kiss and bent his head to her wounded breast. He kissed the scratch before he pulled her nipple into his mouth and sucked f
She arched her back against the desk as he began fucking her with his middle finger and massaging her clit with his thumb. She moaned as she ground her sex against his hand and clutched his head. Just when she was ready to rip open his pants and climb onto his cock, he stopped.
“Let’s get you cleaned up. I want to take you to dinner back on the mainland. Then I want to bring you back here and spank various parts of your body for the better part of the night,” he said as he wiggled the tip of his finger inside of her.